Friday, June 24, 2011

Variables: Learn PHP Tutorial: 5. Variables - php tutorial.
Now were ready to show the full dynamic power of PHP. Variables let you store, modify, process and display information in new and interesting ways. Theyre the short-term memory of web programming. 
Watch php tutorial:

Sunday, June 5, 2011

PHP Tags

PHP is a web scripting language which means it was desgined to work with HTML. You can easily embed PHP code into your HTMl code. Hmmm! Nice but how do we do that? Simple. When writting php code, you enclose your PHP code in special php tags. This tells the browser that we're working with PHP. See below.

Installing PHP on Windows

Installing PHP is easy. You can install PHP on your computer easily with WAMP5. WAMP5 is an open source application which comes with with PHP5, Apache web server, MySQL database and phpMyAdmin (mysql database administration program). You can install these items on your windows machine using WAMP5. You can read more about WAMP5

Introduction to PHP

PHP stands for "PHP: HyperText Preprocessor". PHP is a server side scripting language for making logic driven websites. Ever wonder how they made that "contact us" form on their site, which sends out emails? Well, they used PHP. Or, how they made that image upload tool? Well, they used PHP. PHP written scripts can use databases to keep track of your customer's and visitors activities on your site, send out periodical newsletters to your subscribers, upload files or images and drive the content on your site dynamically. The possibilities are endless. Most of the social networking websites you visit are writing in PHP. Yep! PHP is that powerful. Learning The Basics of PHP will help you tremendously in your Webpage development.